"...YOUR BOSTON CELTICS" the PA guy will say,
By then we'll know who's gone and who did stay.
The Big Three and Doc, gone, when this is done,
So we'll build around Rondo, our Big...One.
Ainge showed respect to Captain Pierce and KG,
By sending them to a team where more wins they'll see.
Our hearts break as we see them go out the door
They'll be back when we retire numbers 5 and 34.
In Waltham we need cameras--in on what will they zoom?
Any Humphries-Rondo tussles in the locker room.
At some of our old draft picks we'll get fresh looks,
From the Nets Cs get Kris Joseph and MarShon Brooks.
Tho by Simmons' comments you might not abide,
Gotta feel Doc took us fans for quite a ride.**
Since '07 we've hung on to our Championship Dream,
We don't cheer for a coach or player, but for a TEAM.
On Day 1 of our season, like we've historically seen,
Fans will show love and support, and will always bleed Green.