Rapts at the Gahden, Sparkin is out, he is ill-
Morris and Horford playing? Yes, they will!
Fearless Brown (toe), in. Baynes, first Cs score!
ROZIER FOR THREE! Baynes, hot C on the floor!
Horford! Tatum! Rapts have had no injury list,
Throughout the season, games, few guys missed.
Fearless Brown! Morris! ROZIER FOR THREE!
Rozier, what moves! Monroe! Kadeem Allen we see.
Rapts 61% shooting, Cs 57-Cs within 2 end Q1.
Brad wants DeMar DeRozan (great name) to have less fun.
Allen, Ojeleye, hustle! Horford! Monroe, steal! Cs, D!
Horford in with our Bench-Rapts’ among toughest we see.
Monroe, steal! D! Tatum! Ojeleye! Morris! Cs, alert-
Brad has been brilliant rotating for Guys who are hurt.
Rozier, more moves! Tatum! WOW! Cs within 2 start Q3.
Baynes taking charges-for “All of Australia” to see 😂
Tatum! Baynes, foul? In the chest took a knee-
Rule of VERTICALITY! Baynes, best. Refs can’t see?
Physical game! Scary! Tatum! Calls not going our way?
Baynes, foul four. Cs need more intensity in our play.
Rapts, travel, at last! Rozier, steal! TATUM FOR THREE!
Clock: Tatum to Morris! Ball movement! TATUM FOR THREE!
Aggressive Rozier! ...and Morris! Ibaka, foul four.
Both Teams are hustling, both ends of the floor.
Baynes, foul five ;( Praise for Morris’ offensive play!
FTs more even. Monroe! Alternating leads seems every play.
Tatum! DeMar DeRozan, never missing is he ;(
Cs 45% shooting (vs 50), Cs within 2 end Q3.
Rozier! Morris! Horford! Monroe! Rozier, again!
I know I keep repeating the names of our Cs Men!
More physical! Refs-really? Fearless Brown, foul three.
Fearless Brown, steal! Rozier took a charge! Refs did see!
Ibaka, foul five. Cs, fewer TOs! Ojeleye, Monroe, great D!
Horford! MORRIS FOR THREE! Rozier-yikes-slammed was he.
Cs, 17-5 run, playing that zone, 2/3!
Tatum! Horford! Morris, huge block! Cs, great D!
Morris, Miles, Ts? Whassup? Morris was ejected.
Refs wanted control, so Morris they “selected?”
20 ties, 15 lead changes. WHAT A GLORIOUS NIGHT!
Teams played well, CELTICS BY 11, did more...right!
P.S.2018 HoF class: Ray Allen, Dino Radja, Charlie Scott,
All Celtics! 10% of ALL HoF inductees Cs have got!
🏀 ☘️