Tuesday, May 11, 2021



Heat at the Gahden, revenge want we.

Brown out (season/wrist😰). Toe-no RWIII.

Kemba, Fournier, Tatum, Tristan, Smart.

5,000 Crowd! Smart, 5-0 run to start!

SMART FOR THREE! Kemba, hurt is he?

Carsen, hustle! FOURNIER FOR THREE!

Fournier, ⬆️IQ, aggressive, split D, FT!

Cs, crazy pace. Smart, took charge, great D!

Kemba in...and 1! Fournier! Tatum, 1st FG!

Quick pace for him. Tatum (whiny is he)!

Nesmith➡️Grant! 3 pt. FG, Nesmith is 3!

Iggy’s here. Kemba! TATUM FOR THREE!

Cs 50% FG (vs 46). Tie, good Q1 we did see

8 Mile! Nesmith➡️FOURNIER FOR THREE!

Fournier, steal! Smart! Foul on Grant?

Took a charge-no call. Called trip? Can’t!

Brad,T! Smart,D! Fournier➡️Kemba! Twice!

Fournier➡️KEMBA FOR THREE! So. Nice.

Kemba! Herro’s no...FOURNIER FOR THREE!


Tatum, foul 3, mad Kemba. Cs, end Q D!

Cs 50% FG (vs 57),Cs within 6 start Q3!

Cs, TOs. Fournier➡️TATUM FOR THREE!

SMART FOR THREE! Bad call on Smart’s D.

Kemba, rim! TATUM FOR THREE!

Butler poked in the eye, out may be he.

Robinson(3s)shoved Smart, foul on Smart?

Kemba, rim! Refs taking Cs apart πŸ€·πŸ»‍♂️ 

Fournier, block! Kemba took charge, nice D!

Kemba attacking! KEMBA FOR THREE!

Tristan! Kemba! Heat, 3s. Heat, paint.


Heat, 17-4 run. Kemba! WHERE’S OUR D?

Cs slowed down. Cs within 14 end Q3.

Kemba, hustle, grin ;) NESMITH FOR THREE!

Kemba➡️Grant! Ugh, Dragic, Herro-the 3.

Tatum! Tatum, foul 4. Grant! Carsen, D!

Grant➡️Tatum! 8 MILE FOR THREE!

Carsen, steal, rim! Cs Bench, tough night.

Tatum didn’t seem energized, ready to fight.

8 Mile! Kemba! Cs, 12-5 run! Grant, D!

Welcome to the Cs: FOURNIER FOR THREE!

Tatum! Smart➡️Tatum! TATUM FOR THREE!

Kemba! Tatum, foul 5. KEMBA FOR THREE!

NESMITH FOR THREE! So near yet so far-

No Quit, no matter how tough things are.

No full starting 7 this entire Season

Why it’s been tough? Not the only reason.

Last game at Home,

sigh. End of this poem.


πŸ€ ☘️

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